Naslovi predavanja,
1. D. Agić; A. Poljičak and L. Mandić: Possibilities of applying Colorimetric Calibration in Reproduction Systems
2. Z. Grabarić: Professional Education and Digital print
3. M. Škornjak: Contemporary Methods of Learning in Teaching Graphic Technology
4. A. Koren and S. Petrač: Advantages and Imperfections of e- Teaching Programs in the Field of Printing
5. P. Miljković: Digital Automatic Management of Graphic Industry Workflows
6. D. Repar: Analysis of Judicial Subjects in the Field of Printing
7. Đ. Črnjak: Some Aspects of Information Security Linked with Securities and Valuables Design
8. T. Cigula S. Mahović Poljaček, M. Gojo: New Methods in Contact Angle Measurement
9. T. Koren, M. Rudolf and N. Stanić Loknar: Security Elements in Money Bills
10. M. Rudolf, N. Stanić Loknar and T. Koren: Characteristic Signs of the Croatian Alphabet in Postscript
11. N. Stanić Loknar, T. Koren, and Rudolf: New Classifications of Digital Handwriting Forms
12. K. Možina and N. Stanić Loknar: Specific Elements of Letter Signs in Creating Digital Handwriting Forms
13. D. Babić, B. Lajić and D. Jurečić: Application of RFD Microchips in Wrapping Material Handling
15. Mario Plenković: Visual Communication as the Intercultural Communication Media
16. Ljiljana Ille, Mira Škornjak: Application of e-Learning in the Graphic Profession
17. G. Golob: What Do Computer Graphics Introduces into the Field of Printing?
18. M. Turčić and M. Rudolf: Individual Vector Graphics Letter Signs in XML (Application to Characteristic Croatian Alphabet Signs in SVG)
19. M. Turčić, T. Pavlović and M. Rudolf: Interactive Applications on the Web
20. M. Turčić and M. Rudolf: Typography in Graphic Program Languages (with Application and Processing)
21. Y. Pasčenko and R. Frelih: Producing Ukrainian-Croatian Electronic Dictionaries as a Scientific Task
22. B. Vukelić ,
23. Jana Ž. Vujić: Designing with New Raster Elements
24. T. Koren
I. Žiljak: 3D Graphics on Documents
25. Klaudio.Pap, Dijana Posavec: Developement of Planning Methods in
Graphic Production
26. Ivana Žiljak: Designing for the Infrared Security Printing Area
27. K. Pap: Interface of digital work order in Graphic Production
28. Andrej Pristovnik: PDF Standardizacija in avtomatizacija na
področju priprave za tisk-primeri iz prakse
29. D. Boras, S. Matić, Graphic interface analysis of the E-Learning system Omega
30. Želimir Grabarić: Zašto želimo učiti?
31. Werner Sobotka: Which environmental issues affecting the printing industry as a result of the global climate crisis?
32. Nenad Prelog: Utjecaj kolaborativnih medija na budućnost novinarstva i nakladništva
33. Zlatko Kapetanović: Methodolical principles of interface design
34. Diana Gregor Svetec: Printability of recyled polyolefin plastic